I have been sniffling around the house with my first (and definitely my last!) cold of the winter. Mega-doses of Vitamin C, gallons of wild berry juice and some homemade chicken soup to share with the dogs have cleared my very fuzzy head. I am now feeling perky and ready to go. Confined more to the house than usual, I again enjoyed some of my precious collections. Here are my Hummel figurines on their shelf above the piano. This collection was begun by a gift from my American 'mom' and 'dad' when I visited them in Rugby, North Dakota in 1995 after an absence of 25 years. (I was an American Field Service student in '69-'70). I only know of one Hummel stockist over here and the cost is exorbitant due to the exchange rate. My modest collection has been built up through bargain discoveries in antique shops. Some might call the little Hummel lads and lasses sentimental art, but I love the innocence of these little friends. And I am unashamedly a sentimentalist!
And to ponder, a pithy quote inscribed on a headstone in an English country churchyard:
Reverence God
Respect man.
Preserve property. (Anon)