Many years ago out dear friend, Genet, introduced our family to the celebration of the Passover on MaundyThursday evening as part of our Easter weekend. We have kept up the tradition more or less faithfully over the years. I now include my life group in the ritual. It is a joint effort in which we share the preparation of some delicious dishes based on recipes supplied by Shana, who grew up in a Jewish home. She is also responsible for the Seder plate. Our liturgy follows.
We begin our Seder with the lighting of the candles. It is fitting that a woman should light the candles since Jesus, the Son of God, was born of a woman. (Shana lights the candles and says the blessing in Hebrew and English.)
QUESTION (Jethro): How does this night differ from all other nights?
INTRODUCTION (Eleanor): This is the central question of the Passover and we are going to answer that question this evening in many ways through the special things we say and through the special food we eat. The Jewish people celebrate the Passover to remember how Moses led the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt into the promised land. As Christians we remember how Jesus ate this Passover meal with his disciples on the night that he was betrayed. We also remember that Jesus, our Messiah, has led us from the slavery of sin into the wonderful liberty of the children of God.
READING: Exodus 12: 21-28 (Bokkie)
Prayer of blessing (Hebrew and English): Shana
WASHING OF THE HANDS: It is likely at this point Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. We will not wash feet but we indicate with this simple ceremony that we are called to be servants one of the other. (Jung Fei will assist). Each person pours a little water over the hands of the person next to him/her and passes on the jug.
BREAKING OF THE BREAD (Rein will say the prayers over the bread and wine. Eleanor will serve around the table. Please eat and drink as soon as you receive the elements. Mark will assist passing them around.).
MAIN COURSE: THE MAIN COURSE IS SERVED AS A BUFFET IN THE DINING ROOM. Please help yourself and return to the table. Enjoy!
HALLEL – PRAISE: WORTHY IS THE LAMB! Let us join hands and say together: “Worthy is
the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing!” (Rev 5:12)
We celebrate now with sweet dessert to remind us that after death and suffering came the sweetness of the Resurrection of Jesus and one day, our resurrection from the dead and the great Wedding Feast of the Lamb.
DESSERT: Served in the dining room. Please proceed and help yourselves. You are welcome to enjoy the dessert sitting anywhere!
Thank you for sharing this evening with us. Blessed Easter!