Tristram has a true confession to make. The kind many a lad or lass has had to proffer after posting an Internet photo, especially if it was on the Lonely Hearts column. His original photo (see the side bar) was taken at least nine years ago. Today he is much older and greyer in the flesh, or is it the fur? However, as he has pointed out to me, grey hairs in a male are just so much more attractive than in a female. His comment, I can assure you, not mine! Grey hairs also speak of wisdom, maturity and experience. Galahad, on the other hand, has the advantage of an ash-blonde. He just seems a little lighter about the chin as the time goes on.
My friend, Leona, who lives in Linz, Austria asked me for my apple cake recipe. It also has a history. I first tasted this cake at my kitchen tea. I suspect there are different versions of this favourite found in every community. I baked one yesterday for a church function and everyone loved it.
1 small tin (425 g) pie apple pieces
50 g margerine
One and a quarter cup of sugar
1 teasp. vanilla
125 ml milk
5 eggs
One and a half cup's self-raising flour
Pinch of salt
Cream butter and sugar.
Add beaten eggs.
Sift dry ingredients and add alternatively with milk to make a soft dough.
Pour into a greased pie dish.
Place apple pieces as in picture.
Bake for about 30 minutes at 180 C
Sauce: While baking, bring one cup of sugar and 250 ml cream to the boil. Pour over the cake as soon as you remove it from the oven. Serve with either creme fraiche; whipped cream; custard as a desert; or just plain. It's not as rich or as glamourous as one of those Austrian tortes that Leona makes but it is delicious.
Oh my! This looks sooo yummy!!
Mrs. U
I could really use a nice slice of your apple cake and a cup of tea right this minute!
Thank you for visiting my blog, it's nice to meet you! Tristram is very handsome and your apple cake looks delicious...YUM!
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