Well, all paths may lead to Rome in the end (and the photo above shows the path past the oak tree to the the Fairy Door at Thatchwick which leads to the back garden). I was advised by Kathryn Bechen at Kathryn Bechen Inkblot, one of my kind blog 'mentors', to create a signature to my emails including my url address to let others know of my blog. I promptly created a very classy signature with the wrong address! No wonder, frustrated colleagues and friends couldn' t find me. Well, my address is thatchwick.blogspot.com sans the cottage bit. Hopefully, now Trist, Gal and self will be more accessible to visitors!
My real address is Charles Street but I tell everyone to ring the bell at the corner of Charles and William Street. Then Ryan, my dear son-in-law and blog advisor, told me that William Street is actually William Drive. Oh dear, this is starting to sound like a conversation between Alice and the White Queen! Curiouser and curiouser! But if you manage to find me, you're so welcome.